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Minnesotans Give To The Max

It’s official. Minnesotans are the most charitable people in the country.

WalletHub recently ranked Minnesota as the nation’s most charitable state for 2018 using a methodology based on 18 different metrics. More specifically, we were ranked #1 in the nation for “Volunteering & Service” and #4 for “Charitable Giving”.

Way to go Minnesota!

You can learn more about WalletHub’s research by clicking here.

Minnesota Values

To me it’s not surprising. Giving and serving others is just part of who we are.

Minnesota has long been a hotbed for social entrepreneurism going all the way back to the Mayo brothers more than a century ago. More recently, organizations like Feed My Starving Children, Can Do Canines and so many others have created innovative ways to provide life-saving meals, assistance dogs, and other services to our neighbors living in our own communities and across the world.

Give To The Max Day 2019

While parting with your hard-earned cash is never exactly “easy”, there are ways to do it that make the process simpler and more effective. One of those ways is to give through GiveMN.org, the locally based non-profit that created Give To The Max Day.

November 14th marks Give To The Max Day 2019. However, you don’t have to wait until the 14th to make your gift. Early giving has been underway for several days. To avoid the rush and give now, click here.  

A plug for two of my faves…

Can Do Canines began in Minneapolis more than 30 years ago by a man with a vision and a mission. Al Peters started by training one dog. Then another. To date, Can Do Canines has trained more than 650 assistance dogs that provide services range from detecting low blood sugar in Type 1 diabetics who suffer from rapidly dropping blood sugar levels to  Autism Assist Dogs who provide safety and peace of mind to children on the autism spectrum and their families.

In all, they train five types of assistance dogs. You can learn about them here.

To learn about Can Do Canines’ history and how they impact the lives of those they serve, watch the video below.

To see how an Autism Assist dog has changed the life for one family, click here

Feed My Starving Children provides nutritious meals to children worldwide. Last year an army of more than 1 million volunteers packed over 333 million meals. Since their inception, FMSC, has packed and delivered literally billions of meals to starving children across the globe.

At a cost of 22 cents per meal, more than 90% of total donations are spent directly on feeding programs and, miraculously, 99.8% of those meals are securely delivered to those they are meant to feed.

You can watch a video about their story here

If you want to see their life saving work in action, watch the video below.

Double your money

Giving through Give To The Max Day 2019 offers additional benefits. If you are lucky, your gift could be chosen for an additional grant to your favorite organization. Every 15 minutes there will be a drawing for a $500 Golden Ticket. Each hour a $1,000 Golden Ticket will be awarded. And the grand-prize is a $10,000 Super-sized Golden Ticket!

Even if you don’t win a Willie Wonka sized golden ticket for your favorite charity, many organizations offer the added benefit of a matching contribution, doubling your contribution.

To find an organization worthy of your dollars visit the Give To The Max website and give today – or tomorrow.  

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